Panorama Photographers Dronepilots Travelers Naturelovers Hikers
      Become a #co-owner #networker #photo-artist #panorama-specialist
            Showcase your work in a community of like-minded people.

Lightning - fast Highlights
✔️ Panoworlds is already great and a must for panorama and drone photography fans.
✔️ But we have a lot more planned for Panoworlds. The next level will be even better
✔️ Panoramas are better than simple photos.
✔️ They show more and at Panoworlds they become small works of art.
✔️ Panorama cameras are constantly becoming more versatile and cheaper!
✔️ Panoramas can meanwhile be created with drones by one push on a button.
✔️ Our Timeline Panoramas are more effective than videos. Quick production. Less traffic. Aso.
✔️ Lowest prices for professional results! More professionality added while the project grows.
✔️ The first members become silent partners of the Panoworlds project. The more success, the more profit!
✔️ Flexible! We program what users need for their presentations. Plugins en masse!
✔️ Chief Programmer with 45 years experience in games and entertainment programming!
✔️ Building a community - a mix of Twitter, Instagram, 360Cities and more.
✔️ Income: advertising, subscriptions, eBooks, YouTube, licenses, poster sales, etc. etc.
✔️ Early Premium Members profit from all earnings, from the entire project 😉 👍


Screenshots of Websites and Editors - Many more features to come.



Premium Membership!

Apply for premium membership.
To sign up for the free version of Panoworlds (click here) Become a partner, investing, deals, patrons, sponsors (click here)
Have you read the terms and conditions?
You accept them and have decided to support and promote Panoworlds financially and share in the profits?
Many thanks. A good decision. Welcome as a partner of a highly interesting project that will fight for a place in the social media market with ambitious goals.
Please fill out the following form and send it off. You will receive an email verification of your email address.
It is possible to pay by bank account (IBAN) in euros or the equivalent in Etherium or Bitcoin. Payment options on the website after logging in.

Gender: m / w
First name:
Last name:
Is also referrer-link Ref-Link:
Password: Show Password Allowed: a-z A-Z 0-9 _()%$!#
Street, house number:
Birthday:Year: Month: Day:
Membership fee:
Calculated profit share, see calculation above 👆
Your Referrer:
If the referrer line is empty, enter who referred you in the referrer line. Or who recommended this site to you.
I accept the terms and conditions. The contract is based on the law and laws in the country where the company is based.

Benefit as Co-owner and Recommender.
There is no better foto-panorama-community-concept than Panoworlds! 👉 It will prevail. 👍
If you are good alone; you're better in a big community.
We want to establish a community that can compete with the big ones and more. Win soul mates and friends and experience things together.

What we offer:
A platform for friends of panoramas and drone photography, landscapes, animals, nature, architecture, photographed while hiking, traveling and in your free time, at sporting events, admiring historical and modern buildings, lakes, mountains, everything that you like and is worth presenting .

Panoramas with unique forms of presentation that can only be found at Panoworlds. Timeline panoramas, accompanied by music, with text and speech.
Easy to make for everyone thanks to dedicated software, editors and tools - some for free, some for a modest fee affordable for everyone.

And this is where another uniqueness comes into play: the fee makes you a co-owner of and over the next few years earns a multiple of what you paid in. No other photo or drone website, no social media network, nobody else offers this.
Take the time to explore this site and the panorama-sites thoroughly. You'll be amazed at what's planned for Panoworlds, how much the whole concept focuses on Earning Together is designed.

60 co-owners are already on board who financed the development phase. Now it's time for phase 2, further development and Marketing.

And this is your chance to get in. You can make full use of Panoworlds for one year with all the options that are offered and you are a silent partner, i.e. co-owner with all rights without liability and no obligations to this project. See the clear, radically short terms and conditions.

The whole thing is a huge offer for people who want to join a photo community anyway, experience the fun of joint events, live events, i.e. a kind of YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram on a special unique platform and want to take part.

Present your images and timelines professionally.

The first aim is 100.000 Users. Now is the right time, becoming a partner!
Panoworlds is a working project. But it is still at the beginning of a path that only ends when the summit is reached.
We want to inspire millions of users, convince them to spend a lot of time on our websites and we will achieve this because this project will offer more than all other social media communities in a near future.
We love the extreme, only do the big things, always strive for absolute success!
We brought the first German-language home computer magazines onto the market and were market leaders in the industry!
Join us, promote this project with financial support, become a partner, and let's enjoy the success together.

Panoworlds sells company shares in several stages:
All co-owners benefit depending on the percentage of shares sold. The calculation below assumes 0% of shares sold. If larger percentages of shares have already been sold, the avalable percentage for new co-owners gets lower.
🟢 Main purpose: advertising to get the first 100,000 users
🟢 The minimum amount is € 32 (6 month membership)
🟢 Please calculate your approximate profit below 😉
Shareholders can use the website with all the tools and benefits for paid time (i.e. 6 month with start discount € 32) free of charge.

The income comes from advertising, subscriptions, sales of photo rights, souvenirs, posters, YouTube amortization, sales of panorama- and travel ebooks, joint ventures, and the realization of other ideas that are still in the brainstorming phase.

Anyone who recognizes the potential of this project is welcome to invest larger sums to purchase corresponding company shares.
This development will happen in several investment phases. We are now in investemnt phase 2.

Calculation Spreadsheet!
  Your Partner-Sum (€32 - €80 - €176 or any sum):

Investment: 32,00 € = Company share: 0,00533 %
SubscribersProfit (Month)10,0 % Partner share
Base: 60.000,00
Your profit part
Your profit part
10.00074.600,00 €7.460,00 €3,98 €47,74 €
20.000149.200,00 €14.920,00 €7,96 €95,49 €
30.000223.800,00 €22.380,00 €11,94 €143,23 €
50.000373.000,00 €37.300,00 €19,89 €238,72 €
100.000746.000,00 €74.600,00 €39,79 €477,44 €
250.0001.865.000,00 €186.500,00 €99,47 €1.193,60 €
What is possible if we do a lot of things right, see below.
Can we reach it? Who knows. Everything is possible! Let's start!
500.0003.730.000,00 €373.000,00 €198,93 €2.387,20 €
1.000.0007.460.000,00 €746.000,00 €397,87 €4.774,40 €
10.000.00074.600.000,00 €7.460.000,00 €3.978,67 €47.744,00 €
50.000.000373.000.000,00 €37.300.000,00 €19.893,33 €238.720,00 €
100.000.000746.000.000,00 €74.600.000,00 €39.786,67 €477.440,00 €

⚠️ Explanation of the calculation system:
  🟡 The profits calculated in the spreadsheet can vary slightly up and down; they depend on the order situation, advertising revenue and paid campaigns.

Terms and Conditions 👉 Use of the Panoworlds platform

§ 1 Free use of the Panoworlds platform

Panoworlds permits limited free use, viewing and interaction on the websites.
There is no guarantee that the websites will work on all browsers, especially on older incompatible systems.

§ 2 Use of the platform for a fee

Paying a usage fee entitles you to extended possibilities to use this website as part of a membership.
This includes the editors made available, advanced editing, linking to the member's own websites.
Further possible applications will be made available on an ongoing basis. E.g. Selling pictures, authorizing pictures, a participation of the author in the proceeds.

§ 3 Duration of Use

The usage options mentioned under §2 are beginning with the receiving of the payment fee and end at the end of the period for which the fee was paid.

§ 4 Reliability

Panoworlds is currently still being developed and researched regarding the necessary server capacities. It can be assumed that the capacity will be exceeded from a certain number of users and Panoworlds will have to resort to paths that can only be taken when they are financially worthwhile.
Panoworlds will do everything possible to avoid long service interruptions and to make the websites accessible.
Reported downtimes that are based on errors or lack of capacity at Panoworlds lead to an extension of the term by the corresponding time that this deficiency occurred. Other claims, e.g. B. Compensation, loss of earnings, etc. the member does not have.

§ 5 Prohibited Content

It is not permitted to distribute criminal content, pornographic content, incitement to violence and other repulsive, despicable content on our websites.
This applies to the uploaded photos, videos and panoramas; and also for content in comments, forums and our social media offers.

Terms and Conditions 👉 Participation in the Panoworlds project

§ 1 venture capital - our offer to be involved in the Panoworlds project at the same time as the basic fee!

Venture capital, as the name suggests, is venture capital. We would like to point out that by transferring your membership fee or your chosen participation capital to our account, you confirm that you have understood that you can no longer dispose of the money you have paid in! It is not a repayable loan, but a risk investment, also known as venture capital or venture capital.
It is a silent partnership. Summarized meaning, as usual in Central Europe, see below.
The participants act in free agreement alone and without the interference of other persons or institutions. The contribution is made on a voluntary basis for the benefit of everyone involved.

§2 Voluntary higher participation - acquisition of larger company shares.

It is possible to invest more than the basic fee for users of the platform and earn larger participation percentages. Prerequisite is to accept the conditions regarding venture capital.
Immorality clauses or other pitfalls of general jurisdiction in certain countries are excluded, anyone who intends to invoke allegedly void clauses in these terms and conditions does not have the right to participate and may not use this project as an investment, but only pay the basic fee and the platform Use Panoworlds for what it is. A way to showcase your own photos and view photos of other mint members.
Therefore, if you cannot agree to the concept of venture capital participation, please refrain from a higher partnership in this project. Nobody is forced to invest additional capital with us.

§ 3 Subject matter of the contract

The subject of the contract is an investment partnership between the investor and Panoworlds Ltd., Seychelles, with Panoworlds Ltd. uses the capital provided by the investors for the realization of the Panoworlds project.
The possibility of participating in Panoworlds ends when the sums mentioned in relation to the phases designated as stages are exceeded.

§ 4 Freedom from instructions

The investor has no control, instruction, information or other information rights regarding the reason, amount, type of Panoworlds Ltd. measures to be taken to implement the project. The project was conceived and constructed by Ralph Roeske. All marketing measures have been precisely worked out and the initiators assure that the money invested will be used to the best of their knowledge and their own business experience over the last few decades.

§ 5 Profit and Loss Sharing

The investor is not involved in possible losses. The investor is not required to make additional payments or have any other costs than the contribution capital.
The investor participates in the profits in the amount of the percentage shown on the certificate at least up to the amount of the certificate value also noted on the certificate. In addition, participation is valid as long as the project is held. where Panoworlds Ltd. will promote and run the project for as long as it makes profits.

§ 6 Capital Repayment

The invested capital can only be paid back in the form of profits from the project. As all investors were informed before they subscribed, a refund is excluded.

§ 7 Taxes

The investor is solely responsible for taxing the profits he personally made. Therefore no tax will be withheld. The investor receives the full share of profits.
Profit is everything that is generated after deduction of costs, value added tax and other duties.

§ 8 Renewed risk warning

In extreme cases, the capital can be subject to a total loss. The investor should therefore consider Panoworlds Ltd. adjust the sum provided according to his circumstances.
Panoworlds Ltd. will, however, take measures to rule out a total loss as far as humanly possible. In extreme cases, this may include selling the concept to financially strong providers of online communities, software companies or other Internet operators at least in an amount that would bring the investor more than the investment, namely a profit. A guarantee that this is possible cannot be given.

§ 9 Registered office

The company organizing the Panoworlds project is an offshore company in the Seychelles. The main reason for this measure is that in this country a worldwide implementation of the project is guaranteed that is attractive for all those involved, especially for the later members. The Capital generated by the preject is in banks outside the EU so that Panoworlds Ltd's intended implementation of the Panoworlds project can proceed smoothly.

§ 10 Relationship between investor and Panoworlds Ltd., or the initiators

As supporters of objectivism and laissez-faire capitalism, the initiators have only one goal: to manage and increase the capital employed according to these principles. The basis is an honest and absolutely fair partnership, in which both partners, based on a morally impeccable attitude regarding this contract, support each other in every way possible and support the project together, insofar as this is possible.

§ 11 Recommendation of this website.

This includes e.g. a “switcher” from other investors on a voluntary basis, without coercion and without unfair means, a mediation that is solely limited to an advertising statement. “Intermediary” do not conclude any contracts, are in no way involved in the business relationship between initiators and investors.
Panoworlds Ltd. rewards this type of recommendation of this site through a reward system as described on the relevant pages.

§ 12 Purchases remain property in the possession of the donors

All purchases made to operate the company remain the property of the lenders until at least the sum corresponding to the value of the items has been repaid.
If the company is closed due to unprofitability, the items will be auctioned on internet platforms and 90% of the proceeds will be paid to the donors.

§ 13 Miscellaneous

The contract excludes legal disputes between the contracting parties. Conflicts are resolved by mutual consent. The partners declare themselves ready to break the spiral that has developed in their countries of origin and which has led to immorality and contentiousness, to denunciation and a false sense of justice, with the sole aim of multiplying the capital invested and increasing the standard of living of all those involved in the project (initiators and investors) to act.

§ 14 Significance of these business principles

This appendix to the risk declaration serves to clarify the regulation that is already known and accepted by all investors – in particular, the risk information and the statements made in § 1 of these bases. These terms and conditions are part of the contract. Any adjustments to these GTC only affect newcomers after the date of the adjustment. Print out these General Terms and Conditions or save them on your computer with the date of saving in the title.

Silent partnership
(Summary of the legal provisions of a silent partnership in DE, AT, CH)

Silent company

The (typical) silent partnership is a partnership in which the silent partner participates in the business or assets of another by making a contribution that goes into the assets of the business or asset owner in return for receiving a share of the profits (usually including a share in the losses). .
Both the business or asset owner and the silent partner can be natural persons, partnerships or legal entities.
The silent society has no legal personality. Legal entities are solely the shareholders. The silent society cannot complain and cannot be complained about either. It can also not be entered in the land register or company register.  
The proprietor alone is entitled and obligated to deal with transactions that are concluded in the company's operations or that affect the assets. Only internally, the transactions that the owner conducts externally in his own name are for the account of the company.


There are no formal requirements for the conclusion of the articles of association; however, the establishment of a written contract is recommended.
The company can also come about through the tacit cooperation of the partners.


The owner alone is liable for transactions that are concluded in the company's operations or that affect the assets.


The silent partnership cannot lead a company and cannot be entered in the company register.

Management and representation

The silent society is purely an internal society. Only the company or asset owner, who concludes the transactions in his own name, appears to the outside world.

Business license

The silent society itself does not appear externally and therefore does not require a business license. The company owner himself must have a trade license to carry out a commercial activity. However, he can appoint a managing director under commercial law. If the silent partner works in the company, in particular on the basis of a service or work contract, he needs his own trade license to carry out these commercial activities, provided he is not a real employee registered with the regional health insurance fund and also not a representative of the company entered in the company register.

Profit or loss calculation, withdrawal right

As a purely internal company, the silent company itself is not subject to accounting.
At the end of each financial year, the profit or loss is to be calculated and the profit accruing to the silent partner is to be paid out.
The silent partner participates in the loss only up to the amount of his paid-in or arrears contribution. He is not obliged to repay the profit obtained because of later losses; however, as long as his deposit is reduced by loss, the annual profit is used to cover the loss.
The profit that is not recovered by the silent partner does not increase his contribution, unless otherwise agreed.


As long as the silent partnership does not appear externally (which is regularly the case), it is not subject to the sales tax regulations.
Income from participation in a company as a silent partner is subject to the EStG.

Social Security

The silent partner as such is not subject to any social insurance obligations. The social insurance obligation of the company or property owner is based on the general regulations.

Termination of the company

The silent society is dissolved by
  • Time lapse
  • Occurrence of an agreed condition subsequent
  • Termination of the company
  • Resolution of the shareholders
  • Achievement or impossibility of the company purpose
  • Death of the business or asset owner (deviating contractual provisions are permissible) (but not the death of the silent partner)
  • Opening of bankruptcy proceedings or non-opening or termination of insolvency proceedings due to a shareholder's lack of cost-covering assets
  • Dissolution by court decision based on a shareholder's lawsuit
  • Termination by a creditor of the silent partner
  • Contractually agreed grounds for dissolution

Questions and Answers

Ask a question:

Q: What are the plans for further development of Panoworlds?

A: Acquisition of various hardware. Special panoramic cameras. Extendable 25m masts to photograph spectacular panoramas in cities, churches, tall buildings where drones are not allowed or not allowed to fly.
Development of editors. produce e-books. Courses on how to photograph panoramas with different cameras and drones.
Install a Twitter-like social network. Add video and photo pages.

Q: What are timeline panoramas?

A: Timeline panoramas are panoramas created with one of our timeline editors.
These editors create so-called timelines that describe virtual flights. The camera paths that are edited in the editor, the time when changing to another panorama, all actions are saved in a short file.
When calling up the timeline panorama, it is played like a video, including music, text, animations and image overlays.